We have done it! 🎉

We have done it! 🎉
A very very very small portion of the 125,000 ecobricks and 30,000 ecobrickers that have been transfered to GoBrik 3.0.

Dear Trainers,

We did it! All of the authenticated ecobricks logged on GoBrik over the last five years are now transferred to our new server. Thank you to everyone who chipped in to run the migration scripts on their computers and to everyone who chipped in financially to keep our server up long enough for us to migrate the data off.

Big Announcement!

The GEA Center Circle has decided that its now time to let go of our old GoBrik and to move on to the new!

We're calling this the Great GoBrik Regeneration.

Its an apt title as this is truly what is happening!

We're breaking free of the restraints of our old server which have been weighing us down for so long. We'll ditch our amazon and our corporate provider who have been charging us an arm and a leg. We'll move on to a free (!) server that DewaWeb (a Jakarta based internet provider) is gifting us to support the plastic transition movement.

On this new platform, we'll be using hand coded PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript (rather than proprietary code that we have to pay for!). We'll thus be able to fully embody our principles and vision in our codebase (making it open source as always on our Github reposity). In turn this will enable more developers to join and contribute to the unfolding of the new GoBrik 3.0 and our new "Bhuwana" account credential system (were still deciding the name).

The downside of course, is that we'll be losing a lot of the functionality in GoBrik that we've all come to enjoy: offsetting, course registration, the regen store, catalysts accounts, etc. All that we will need to re-code from the ground up.

Or not!

We have the unprecedented opportunity to choose now with deep intention what we build next.

We'll be opening up a discussion and dialogue for all trainers to help us envision what we build next.

So Heads Up!

We'll be taking GoBrik 2.0 down in the next 72hrs.

If you need to log any ecobricks urgently please go ahead. Once the site is down we'll put up an underconstruction page. We'll migrate the last of the data off. Then we will close our knack account. Immediately, our monthly GEA expenses will decrease by 7,200,000 IDR to about 1,500,000 IDR a month. Woohoo!

Then, the dev team will be hard at work to get the new GoBrik 3.0 ready for launch. Please expect about 7-10 days of GoBrik being totally down before you can log any more ecobricks.

Note: the new GoBrik will be a VERY simple version of what we had before. To start, all you will be able to do is log and view your ecobricks.

If you have any important messages or texts on GoBrik, be sure to save them. However, thanks to all your computing contributions, we've managed to migrate all your ecobricks and your basic account data over to GoBrik 3.0.

Thank you again for everyone's collaboration

From offsetting to logging ecobricks to validating to running courses, together we presided over a one hundred thousand user application for six years! Usually this takes a multimillion dollar company, coporation or NGO. We did it as a mandalic, crowdfunded, people-powered movement. Now that we're letting this go and putting our lessons learned to good use, the sky's the limit on what we accomplish next.

Towards regeneration... of our systems, of GoBrik and of the biosphere 💚💪🤩

Russell, Lucie, Fran, Ani, Rere, Aang.
The GEA Center Circle

P.S. This email is going out to trainers only. Shortly we'll be notifying our full database.

Click through to see a full and live breakdown of our 2021 ecological impacts on the GoBrik.com
Click through to see our current enterprise regen report