EarthCycles Calendar

When it comes to going green, we're often asked where to start.
One word...
If you didn't know, every day when we use virtually any modern calendar (from wall calendars, to google, to outlook) we're referencing the 500 years old Gregorian calendar system. In 1582, Pope Gregory ordained an update to the Julian calendar (that one going back to the time of Julius Caesar!).
This system of perceiving time is simplistic and archaic. For those of us keen to go green it is fundamentally unhelpful.
Back in the 16th century, the Catholic Church still held a view of the universe in which the sun and planets spun around the earth.
Not only is this astronomically wrong, it is also philosophical flawed. It is founded in a fundamentally anthropocentric view of the universe– a paradigm in which humans are central and separate from the rest of the world. For example, although the Gregorian calendar references the lunar cycle, it is primarily as a way to make sense of human cycles and celebrations– such as deciding the date of Easter each year for the Church.
Finally, the Gregorian calendar is mono-cyclic. In other words, it is primarily based on just one cycle: the solar cycle (with the lunar cycle between all but incidental).
This representation and experience of time and reality is fundamentally different from that of other civilizations. For example, the Greeks and the Mayans incorporated the cycles of Venus into their tracking of time. Meanwhile, many other civilizations incorporated the cycles of other creatures into their cultural rhythms and tracking of time.
One of our project on Earthen is developing and maintaining a kincentric calendar alternative that embodies Earthen principles.
Free EarthCal app
Access our free web app circular calendar. Track your events, cycles and to-dos using the calendar. Coming soon: Google Calendar Sync for Earthen subscribers.

EarthCycles Calendar Poster for supporters
Paid monthly subscriptions to Earthen get you download access to our 70x50cm current year calendar in PDF format.
EarthCycles Poster and Art print for patrons
Paid monthly patrons receive access to both the 70x50cm poster PDF and our 86x79cm art PDF.
Learn more about the project...

Or purchase the calendar prints directly in currency or brikcoins on the GoBrik store:

See where the Earth is vis-a-vis the other planet in its 365 day journey through the Solstices and Equinoxes. Follow the circular line chart of the Earth’s solar distance, the moon’s phases and apsides, as well as the progression of each planet’s apogee and perigee. Simple, practical and educational it also an existential statement of our transition to circular thinking and cyclical living.
The EarthCycles Calendar charts:
- The location of each planet on each Soltice and Equinox
- The distance traveled by each planet over the solar year
- The Earth’s perihelion and aphelion (distance from the sun)
- The phases of the moon
- The moon’s apsidal procession (distance from the Earth)
- Mercury apogee and perigee (distance from the Earth)
- Venus’s apogee and perigee (distance from the Earth)
- Mars’s apogee and perigee (distance from the Earth)
- Jupiter’s apogee and perigee (distance from the Earth)
- Saturn’s apogee and perigee (distance from the Earth)
- The celestial events of 2021
- The days of the year
- The weeks of the year
- The months of the year
- The days of the week of the year
Purchase the digital file, to print your own calendar at home or your local print shop:
File format: PDF (100% Vector)
Resolution: N/A (Vector format perfect resolution at all sizes)
File Size: 2 MB
Suggested size: Uncropped size: 84x 79, Optimal size: 81x76cm
Alternative Printing: 3 x 3 tiled A3 sheets
Minimum Size: 70 cm across