GoBrik 3.0 Beta Testing Underway

Dear Trainers,
Congrats to our four new trainers Rilla Hamrilah, Anita Listyani, Naurica Hastuti, and Zainuddin who just graduated from the Indonesian TOT Program Batch 19 guided by Master Trainers Rere and Indrawati and assisted by Ani. 🤩 Welcome to the team.
That said... our apologies you haven't heard from us in a few weeks.
Its been a full month for us and development team!
We've successful migrated all our content, took down GoBrik 2.0.
Over the last weeks we've been finalizing the launch of GoBrik 3.0. It's taking longer than we thought... but... we're getting there. The second phase of beta testing by volunteer trainers is now underway. And so far so good!
The new GoBrik seems to be running much faster than the old. 🤩
We're also excited to get going from the start supporting Indonesian, Spanish, French and Indonesian on the app. 🚀
GoBrik 3.0 should be ready for public launch in about 10 days.
If you'd like to help out with beta testing, let Ani or Fran know.
Russell, Ani, Fran, Lucie, Rere, Aang, Paula, and the GEA Center Circle