We've moved on from the US Dollar

We've moved on from the US Dollar
A Palestinian woman despairs as her olive trees are destroyed occupying forces that are funded in USD- Nablus, Palestine, 2005 - Nasser Ishtayeh

Today, we're announcing our transition from US dollars in our finances and accounting.

Over the last year, we've been appalled by the dramatic escalation of ecoside and genocide in Palestine. With thousands of American made and funded bombs being dropped on Gaza, the correlation between our own finances and the occupation became all too clear. This has jolted our Global Ecobrick Alliance Center Circle into decisive decision.

As a global organization, we receive funds and pay bills in various countries and in various currencies. We also have a principle of making our books publicly available. Seven years ago when we set up our Open Books system on ecobricks.org, choosing USD seemed like a harmless and universal way to present our finances in a way that could be well understood by folks around the world.

No more.

Gaza has been a shocking reminder of the correlation between Global North Currency and global oppression and ecological depletion. After all, US dollars are the currency by which both global petroleum is bought are made and the bombs in Gaza have been funded.

It may be a drop in the ocean given the meager size of our accounts. However, there is no other way to stay true to our regenerative principles than to stop using the Global North currency most connected with the military industrial complex and petro-capital economy behind the onslaught of Gaza.

After all, when we use a currency, we play a part in validating and energizing the system behind it.

It hasn't been easy. It has taken us a year of extricating ourselves out of various accounts, systems and services (and to revamp our in-house accounting database!). However, as of now, we have ceased using any US based financial platforms and accounts.

From now on our open book finances will be denominated in Indonesian Rupiahs.

Open Books Accounting of the GEA
A full disclosure of the Global Ecobrick Alliance’s for-Earth Financial Accounting

To regeneration and beyond,

Russell, Ani, Lucie, Paula, Fran, Setiadji, Rere & Aang

GEA Center Circle
Global Ecobrick Allaince

P.S. And also... Directly connected to this, in 2024 we let go of our use of corporate digital services based in the Global North.)

Click through to see a full and live breakdown of our 2021 ecological impacts on the GoBrik.com
Click through to see our current enterprise regen report