Chapter 9 The Salmon's Spiral The Earth’s cycles tend towards the outwards dissipation of energy. —Earthen Ethic No. 2
Chapter 8 Cycles that Spiral The Earth’s processes tend towards cycles that spiral. —Earthen Ethic No. 1
Chapter 7 Earthen Ways In our planet's relentless shift from grey to green over the eons we can observe five principles that compose the Earth’s pattern of process:
Chapter 6 Featured Nature's Fallacy Beneath our modern environmentalism lurks a fundamental ontological error that destines even the greenest of intentions to grey.
Chapter 5 Kindred Relations We have much to learn from those cultures that, rather than deplete ecosystems, presided over their systematic enrichment.
Chapter 4 The Earth's Pattern of Process Rather than be mired in self-judgment at our play with carbon, we can be dazzled by the Earth’s.
Chapter 3 Plastic's Stellar Story From its primordial origins to its modern petro-capital fate, plastic connects us to our planet's epic unfolding.
Chapter 2 Plastic 1.0 Our century-long story of plastic as human-made and managed has been woefully short-sighted.
Chapter 1 Imagine Imagine a world where the very way we live is steadily enriching the ecosystems in which we are immersed.